Homoeo Laboratories Cough Homoeo Pills (10g)
₹70.00 ₹65.00
For Rattling Cough, Bronchitis, Dyspnoea, Laryngitis, Suffocative Cough
Also known as
Cough pills
Homoeo Laboratories Cough Homoeo Pills
A combination of Homeopathy pills used in complaints of cough.Cough is a defensive reflex of body that helps keep the airways clear of irritating or obstructing substances. Cough is a common symptom seen in many diseases.
Indications and uses of Homoeo Laboratories Cough Homoeo Pills
Dry productive cough with rattling
Pain in throat and chest with dryness
Wheezing & all types of cough are relieved with Cough Homoeo Pills
Help to relieve cough with rattling sound of chest
Controls incessant tickling in the throat pit with dry teasing cough
Used in most common allergic cough
Action of Ingredients in Homoeo Laboratories Cough Homoeo Pills
Histaminum: Dryness of the mucous membranes, allergies, sneezing, cold and cough.
Senega: Its relation is to the air passages, striking action on the mucous membrane of the air passages, in various forms of dyspnea, cardiac and asthmatic. Dry and shaking cough, excited by a tickling in larynx is relieved with Senega.
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