Gastric Complaints, Hyper acidity, Flatulence, Heartburn, Stomach Pain
Also known as
Acid go pills, acidity pills
Homoeo Laboratories Acigo Pills
A very effective Homoeopathic combination formulated to relieve Flatulence, Dyspepsia, Belching, Waterbrash, Gastralgia and Discomforts caused due to Indigestion. It improves the digestive process and Liver activity, thus relieving Acidity and Constipation.
Indications and uses of Homoeo Laboratories Acigo Pills
For heartburns, abdominal pain, gases and upset stomach
Indigestion, nausea and excessive foul eructation
Hyper-acidity & Dyspepsia.
Nausea & Vomiting.
Belching, flatulence & cramps.
Action of Ingredients in Homoeo Laboratories Acigo Pills
Carbo Vegetabilis: Flatulence and fullness with weak digestion, accompanies all complaints. Simplest food disagrees. Flatulence upper abdomen. Craving for coffee; acids; sweets and salted things, alcohol. Aversion to meat; fats; milk.
Robinia pseudo: The gastric symptoms with the most pronounced acidity are well authenticated, accompanied with frontal headache, flatulence, nightly burning pains in stomach and constipation with urgent desire.
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