Controls the growth of Glandular Swellings, cysts, relieves the pain.
Also known as
Healwell Tumorheal Drops
Tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue, mass usually refers to a lump, it may be benign or malignant. It may be with or without inflammation.
Indications of Healwell Tumorheal Drops
Hyperplasia of lymph glands
Glandular swellings, Unusual growth of mass without a known cause
Swellings which are painful
Mastitis in breastfeeding mothers with cracking and small ulcers about nipples.
Mumps, follicular inflammation of pharynx, adenoma.
Action of Ingredients in Healwell Tumorheal Drops
Conium mac 4x: Glands enlarged and Indurated, piercing pains; worse, at night. helps to relieve the lancinating pains in enlarged, Indurated ovaries, Relieve the pain in enlarged breasts
Arsenic iod 6x: For swelling of tonsils, swelling, epithelioma of lips.
Carbo animalis 3x: indicated in glandular affections. Glands swollen and painful in neck, axillae, groin, mammae with cutting lancinating and burning pains.
Clematis e 3x: Swelling of submaxillary glands, with hard tubercles , swollen inguinal glands, Swelling of the right half of the scrotum, Inflammation in the mammary gland.
Galium aperine 6x: It is used for swollen glands, tonsil
Hydrastis can 2x: For enlarged axillary glands with pains.
Phytolacca decandra 3x: For swollen tonsils with difficulty in swallowing.
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