Improves Urine flow in old age, Reduces dribbling & Burning of urine
Also known as
Prsota drops
Healwell Prostacure Drops
Indications of Healwell Prostacure Drops
Symptoms of frequent urge for urination burning micturition, urgency to urinate, dribbling of urine
Sensation of not-done feeling, hesitancy and interrupted flow of urine.
Painful micturition with irritation while urination
Poor urine flow, Frequent desire to urinate.
Relieves Frequent Painful and Burning Micturition
Action of Ingredients in Healwell Prostacure Drops
Sabal serr: Burning in the urethra while passing urine and difficulty in passing urine. Recent or chronic enlargements. Sensation of coldness from the prostate gland to genitals.
Chimaphila Umb: Great urge to urinate. Straining necessary to commence urination. Urine feels hot when passed.
Clematis Erecta: Urine flows by fits, starts or dribbles, strains out a few drops, then full stream flows. Burning in urethra during urination. Last drop causes violent burning.
Conium Mac: After urinating, spasmodic pain in bladder, Dribbling urination in old men.
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