Relieves Indigestion, Acidity, Gastritis, Flatulence, Constipation
Healwell Diget Syrup
Dyspepsia, indigestion, heart burn, sour eructation, flatulence, belching, gastralgia, abdominal colic, cramps, constipation
Indications of Healwell Diget Syrup
Indigestion, Flatulence, Constipation
Chronic weakness of Digestion.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, heart burn.
Sour eructation, Flatulence, Belching.
Gastralgia, Abdominal Colic, Cramps, constipation.
Action of Ingredients in Healwell Diget Syrup
Piper nig. 2x: Flatulence, colic and cramps vomiting with great exertion. Gastric discomfort. Full feeling. Great thirst. Colic and cramps.
Nux vom. 3x: Nervous irritability, hypochondria, stomach constriction, disturbances due to nicotin.
Thymus serp. 5x: Ringing in ears with feeling of pressure in head. Burning in pharynx, sore, throat worse empty swallowing; blood vessels distended, dark.
Asafoetida 3x: Weakness and indigestion, vomits all that he eats, acute, distressing, cutting pains in stomach , gastric and intestinal catarrh followed by ulceration.
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