Spinal weakness. Bone Fracture. Dental carries, conditions requiring calcium supplement.
Hapro Calsi Vita Syrup
Recommended in all condition requiring calcium supplement. Tones up entire system accelerate callus formation. Spinal weakness, bone fracture, Rickets, Dental caries, Pregnancy. Hemorrhages, Painful dentition, Skin diseases.
Indications of Hapro Calsi Vita Syrup
For Aches, Pains and Stiffness
Other Indicated symptoms of Hapro Calsi Vita Syrup
It helps relieve the pains, aches stiffness associated with various conditions like multiple joint pains.
Rheumatic pain characterized by inflammation, are well relieved with this.
Action of Ingredients in Hapro Calsi Vita Syrup
Calc. Phos. 3x: Weakness and muscles of neck and along spine, deformed bones. joint pain worse in damp weather. Acts on the constitution.
Alfalfa Ø: Helps to Improve the nerve power, Immunity and Restores health, improves mental and physical condition, with gain in weight.
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