Common Name: Xanthoxylum americanum, X. fraxineum
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Xanthoxylum Fraxineum
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum is useful in conditions like hay fever, dry cough and female problems.
There is constant desire to take a long breath with oppression of chest and dry cough day and night.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum is also useful in female problems when menses are too early and painful.
It is also useful for ovarian neuralgia with pain in loins and lower abdomen which is worse on left side extending down the thigh.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum also helps in leucorrhea at the time of menses.
Nervous, frightened. Mental depression.
Feels full, feels Weight and pain on vertex.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum relieves Pain over eyes, throbbing pressure over nose, pressure in forehead;
It is useful in Sick headache with dizziness and flatulence.
Neuralgia of lower jaw is relieved by it.
Dryness of mouth and fauces, Pharyngitis (Wyethia) can be well helped by Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.
Griping and diarrhoea is relieved by Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.
It is well indicated in Dysentery, with tympanites, tenesmus; inodorous discharges.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum is useful in Menses which is too early and painful, Ovarian neuralgia, with pain in loins and lower abdomen; worse, left side, extending down the thigh, along genito-crural nerves.
Menses thick, almost black, Leucorrhœa at time of menses indicates Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum is helpful in Aphonia, Constant desire to take a long breath; oppression of chest.
Dry cough, day and night is relieved by Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.
Xanthoxylum Fraxineum is indicated in numbness of left side following spinal disorders. Numbness of left side; impairment of nerves of motion.
It relieves Pain in nape, extending down back.
Sciatica; worse, hot weather is relieved by Xanthoxylum Fraxineum.
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