Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum(Dilution)
Common Name: Nitrate of Uranium. Uranyl Nitrate
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Uranium Nitricum
Uranium Nitricum helps in Emaciation, Debility and tendancy to swelling over body.
The liver is attacked and goes towards degeneration and hypertrophic cirrhosis after a first phase of congestion is relieved by Uranium Nitricum.
It is indicated when the left side is more affected than the right and symptoms that are worse at night.
Burning in urethra while passing urine is relieved by Uranium nitricum.
Mind and Head
Head heavy on waking, Pain in forehead, over left eye, in forehead and occiput in evening indicates Uranium Nitricum.
Dull aching neuralgic pains that last for sometime that come after waking.
Eyes, ear, nose
Lids inflamed, agglutinated with Stye and shooting pains over left eye.
Left nostril stuffed with dry coryza and Itching on nostril sindicate Uranium Nitricum.
Cough with purulent discharge from left nostril is relieved with this medicine.
Mouth and Throat
Painless ulcers with hawking of tenacious mucus.
Stomach and abdomen
Gastric and duodenal ulcers with vomiting of blood indicates Uranium Nitricum.
Sharp colic, with tenesmus and with raw feeling in rectum with abdomen bloated.
Flatus after food, acidity, pain from cardiac end of stomach to suprarenal region, better movement
Stool and Anus
Urging in rectum and bladder, Stool twice in one day.
Urinary complaints
Increased urine, helps in profuse urination at night time, lowers the intensity of urination.
Painful Urination, Painful retention of urine is relieved by Uranium Nitricum.
Uranium Nitricum increases the total quantity and specific gravity of the urine, and produces acridity, with mucus discharge.
Urination profuse, painful, pale milky with nocturnal enuresis.
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