Dr. Reckeweg Theridion
Common Name: Theridion curassavicum, Orange spider
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Theridion
Theridion is useful remedy for vertigo with nausea and vomiting on least motion, particularly when closing eyes.
Theridion is also useful for seasickness. There is nausea and vomiting when closing eyes on motion.
It produces a highly sensitive, nervous condition with weakness, trembling, coldness, anxiety, faintness, and easily excited cold sweat.
It is helpful where headaches are severe and affect the eyes, especially the left.
There are hallucinations of sight and hearing, luminous vibrations, and rushing sounds.
Worse from least overwork and motion, better by keeping quiet in horizontal position.
Restless; finds pleasure in nothing. Time passes too quickly.
Theridion relieves Pain worse anyone walking over floor.
Theridion is also useful in Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting on least motion, particularly when closing eyes.
Luminous vibrations before eyes; sensitive to light.
Pressure behind eyeballs, Throbbing over left eye is relieved by Theridion.
Theridion is useful in checking the nasal Discharge which is yellowish, thick, offensive; ozaena (Puls; Thuja).
Theridion is well indicated in Seasickness.
Theridion relieves Nausea and vomiting when closing eyes and on motion (Tabac).
Stinging pain on left side over anterior aspect of spleen is relieved by Theridion.
It also helps in complaint of Burning in liver region.
Theridion relieves Pain in upper left chest (Myrt; Pix; Anis).
Pain in left floating ribs, Cardiac anxiety and pain, Pinching in left pectoral muscle is relieved by Theridion.
Sensitiveness between vertebrae; avoids pressure on spine and Stinging pains are relieved by Theridion.
Theridion is indicated in Stinging thrusts everywhere, Sensitive skin in thighs and relieves Itching sensations.
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