Dr. Reckeweg Senega(Dilution)
Tincture of powdered dried root.
Common Name: Snakewort, Poly gala senega.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Senega
Senega is an old lung tonic, has been an ingredient in most of the lung medicines for the last one hundred years
Its relation is to the air passages, striking action on the mucous membrane of the air passages, in various forms of dyspnea, cardiac and asthmatic.
Sufferings that come on with rapidity, from taking cold, or from a cold that involves the whole chest indicates Senega.
Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist indicates Senega.
Short breathing and oppression of chest when going up stairs, dyspnea especially during rest, walls of the chest sensitive or painful when touched and on inspiring.
Cough with great accumulation of mucus, which seems to fill the chest, with much rattling, wheezing, and difficult breathing is relieved with this remedy.
Mind and Head
Excessive anguish, often with accelerated and hasty respiration.
Headache which also affects the eyes, is worse by heat of a room. Eruption on head.
Sharp pains in chest and temples during the attacks indicates Senega.
Violent rush of blood to head when stooping, especially to eyeballs, where a painful pressure is experienced indicates Senega.
Eyes, ear, nose
Pains, inflammation both of the exterior and interior of the eye and lids, worse when looking intently at an object.
Eyes pain as if pressed out, for opacity of vitreous. Stitches in right eye when coughing, dryness of eyes is relieved with Senega.
Painful acuteness of hearing. Itching in the interior of the nose with sneezing is resolved with this remedy.
Mouth and Throat
Burning vesicles in commissures of lips, on upper lip, irritation and roughness in oesophagus, burning sensation
Dryness in the mouth and throat, and the cough is incessant; worse in cold air and from walking is relieved with Senega.
Aphonia from severe cold or excessive use of the voice, constant tickling and burning in the larynx indicates Senega.
Tenacious mucus, so tenacious that he cannot cough it up, cough is so violent that it makes him shake from head to foot; it brings on a tremulous feeling all over the body.
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