Dr. Reckeweg Ruta Graveolens(Dilution)
Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Common Name: Rue-bitterwort
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Ruta Graveolens
Ruta has special affinity to tendons, cartilage, and periosteum especially in injuries and effects therefrom are relieved.
Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, in bone, in tendons, about joints.
Ruta is aggravated from cold, wants everything warm.
Ruta is a painful medicine, but is slow in producing symptoms, hence it of a chronic nature.
Old neuralgias, stinging, tearing, burning pains, especially in the lower extremities, about the eyes; faceaches.
A prolonged use of Ruta 3x has relived the ganglion in front of left wrist as per the literature in Materia medica of Clarke.
Mind and Head
Apprehensive anxiety, low spirits and mental relaxation.
Throbbing or tearing pain in the forehead is relieved with Ruta.
Benumbed or bruised feeling of side lain on, the patient can be irritable, or the opposite-good-nature.
Eyes, Ear
Weak, pressive-like pain in right eye, with dimness of surrounding objects.
Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine print indicates the medicine Ruta. Eyestrain followed by headache.
Crushed pain in cartilages of the ear is resolved with Ruta.
Mouth and Throat
Swelling and erysipelas on forehead on the face is relieved.
Sense of a lump in throat during empty swallowing is resolved with Ruta.
Gums bleed easily in Ruta patients.
Stomach and abdomen
Unquenchable desire for cold water, drinks much, Frequent odorless eructations.
After eating there is sudden nausea ; pinching in stomach after bread and butter indicates Ruta.
Gnawing pain about navel with Colic; with burning pains in children, from worms.
Stool and Rectum
A powerful action on the rectum is seen in Ruta,Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting
Tearing in rectum and urethra while urinating is relieved with Ruta.
Constipation; from inactivity of rectum or impaction of feces following mechanical injuries indicates Ruta.
Rectum protrudes immediately on attempting a passage indicates Ruta
Pain in rectum when sitting. Great soreness in rectum as from ulceration. It is a useful remedy in piles and stricture of the rectum.
Urinary complaints
Pressure on bladder, as if continually full with scanty green urine, Constant urging to urinate, could hardly retain urine.
Ruta is useful in Involuntary micturition at night in bed, and during day when walking.
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