Dr. Reckeweg Ricinus Communis
Common Name: Palma Christi, Castor-oil
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Ricinus Communis
Ricinus Communis is useful in many complaints like gastroenteritis, diarrhea and anorexia. There is anorexia with great thirst with burning pain in stomach.
It also helps in profuse vomiting and the pit of the stomach is sensitive.
Ricinus Communis is also useful for incessant diarrhea with purging. Stools are like rice water stools with cramps and chilliness.
Stools are loose, incessant and painless but with painful cramps in the muscles of the extremities. Anus is inflamed.
Ricinus Communis also increases the quantity of milk in nursing women.
Ricinus relieves severe Headache.
There is Sudden pain as if seized by something in occiput extending round to backs of ears, eyes, and forehead with rush of blood to head and shocks which come and go as from electricity.
Eyes convulsed and turned up, conjunctive injected, copious lachrymation, pupils only moderately dilated indicate this remedy.
Buzzing and humming in ears is checked by Ricinus.
Burning pain in gullet accompanied the vomiting is relieved by Ricinus.
Nausea and vomiting persistent, vomited mattery liquid, slightly colored by a little bile, contains only a few mucous threads in suspension indicates Ricinus.
Ricinus is helpful in Vomiting profuse, with burning in gullet and all the symptoms of Asiatic cholera. Vomiting and purging.
Pit of stomach very sensitive, pains radiate from this center, shooting to umbilicus and hypochondria.
Ricinus relieves Cramps, burning, in stomach.
Ricinus relieves Rumbling, Feels as if all the intestines violently drawn together.
Violent colic, and yellowish green vomiting is also relieved by it.
Ricinus is useful in Cramps with the diarrhoea.
Pain over abdomen worse by pressure is relieved by Ricinus.
Stool and Anus
Ricinus is useful in Violent purging with the diarrhoea, Bloody diarrhoea, Diarrhoea without pain.
Diarrhoea almost incessant, colliquative, like cholera is relieved by it.
It relieves cramps and chilliness.
Urinary Organs
Ricinus checks Complete anuria.
Passes a little dark, thick, highly albuminous urine (lasted four days).
Female Sexual Organs
Ricinus is indicated in complaint of Menses too early, excessive.
Leucorrhoea is also checked by it.
Breasts thick, swell, with swelling of axillary glands and pains running down arms.
Thin discharge from breasts becomes milky.
Brings milk in breasts of virgins and women who have not suckled for years.
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