Relieves Burning pain in stomach, vomiting, acidity, gas troubles
Indications of Dr. ReckewegR5
Acute and chronic gastritis, dyspepsia, chronic relapsing gastritis with or without ulceration. Especially ulcus parapyloricum. Heartburn, bad taste in mouth, frequent belching, flatulence, meteorism. Acts on the inflamed mucosa of stomach, on the physiology of stomach.
Ingredients of Dr. ReckewegR5
Argentum nitricum
Arsenicum album
Carbo vegetabilis
Nux Vomica
Scrophularia Nodosa
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. ReckewegR5
Anacardium: Gastric complaints, improving after eating, pains around midnight.
Argentum nitricum: Epigastric complaints, noisy and frequent belching with temporary improvement.
Arsenicum album: Remedy for mucous membrane, burning pain in the stomach with vomiting.
Carbo vegetabilis: Sensation of repletion in abdominal cavity, asthenia and exhaustion.
Chamomilla: Nervous hypersensitivity and irritability. Swelling of the stomach.
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