Dr. Reckeweg Psorinum(Dilution)
The seropurulent matter of a scabies vesicle was used by Hahnemann.
Common Name: The nosode of Psora , Scabies Vesicle, Psoricum
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Psorinum
Prostration after acute disease with restlessness and night-sweats indicates Psorinum.
Great sensitiveness to cold air, change, storms, to sun, restless for days before a thunderstorm.
Ance worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.
Eruptions on the skin with intenxe itching, dry, or moist, dirty aggravated by the warmth of the bed is relieved with psorinum.
Every moral emotion causes trembling.
Mind and head
Cloudiness of mind and difficult thinking, restless persons who are easily startled, loss of memory, peevish, unhealthy-looking children, who have a disagreeable odor about them.
Heavy headache across the eyebrows with pain in temples after mental exertion, hammering, crampy.
Averse to having head uncovered, wears a fur cap in hot weather
Eyes, ear, nose
Pain in eyes with burning, in evening when looking sharply at something, and by candle-light.
Itching of right lid, left lower lid, from one side to other, of canthi, inner canthi, with heat is relieved with Psorinum.
Buzzing in ear, Sensation as if something burst suddenly when eating or swallowing saliva.
Feeling in right ear as if he heard with the ears of another person.
Dry coryza, nostrils nearly dry, and sensitive when breathing through them with Stoppage of nose.
Clear, watery fluid pours out, worse left nostril, worse stooping.
Mouth and Throat
Vesicles around corner of mouth, and outwardly above them larger sore spots.
Swollen sensation in palate with dryness of mouth. Drinking that causes cough is relieved with psorinum.
Soreness with difficulty in swallowing, can take without difficulty only cold food.
Tickling in throat mornings, causing cough, then empty eructations indicates Psorinum.
Stomach and Abdomen
Bloating with cramp in epigastric region, with Weakness and pressure.
Eructations that are tasting like rotten eggs indicates Psorinum. Sticking in the pit of stomach.
Cutting in abdomen, in the evening, cramps in abdomen in morning in bed. Sticking pains in inguinal glands
Pain in abdomen, towards evening, better eating, after eating, better emission of flatus, with nausea is relieved with Psorinum.
Stool and Anus
Sensitive hemorrhoidal with burning pains in rectum. Itching in anus.
Ineffectual urging of Soft, difficult stool with involuntary stools during sleep indicates Psorinum.
Urinary organs
Burning during micturition with cutting pains is relieved with Psorinum.
Discharge of prostatic fluid before micturition in males is relieved with Psorinum.
Frequent micturition at night.
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