Dr. Reckeweg Plumbum Metallicum(Dilution)
Common Name: Lead
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Plumbum Metallicum
Activities of the body, the functions of the organs are slow in action
The chronic affections are characterized by loss of sensation.
Chronic constipation; chronic retention of urine; chronic giving way of the mind.
It is indicated in the sudden constipation; tearing pains in the intestines; indigestion with vomiting.
Excessive colic, Radiating to all parts of body, the muscles are slow in action, sluggish.
The blood, alimentary and nervous systems are the special seats of action of Plumbum Metallicum.
Localized neuralgic pains, neuritis, excessive and rapid emaciation.
Mind and Head
Comprehension is difficult, Changeable continually changing from one thing to another, from one group of imaginations to another.
The mental symptoms, the emotional symptoms, and the head symptoms are greatly exaggerated by any exertion in the open air.
Weariness and dislike to conversation and labor, memory impaired indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Heaviness of head, head confused and heavy with vertigo especially when stooping.
Great dryness of hair. Hair becomes very greasy, hair very dry indicates Plumbum met.
Eyes, ear, nose
Heaviness of eyes when moving them, contraction in eyes and eyelids indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Boring and shooting in ears, buzzing in ears, sensibility to noise.
Obstruction of nose. Fluent coryza, with discharge of serous mucus, red, purulent vesicles in nasal angles
Mouth and Throat
Gums pale, swollen, show a lead-colored line; blue, purple, or brown; painful with hard tubercles.
Sensation as if a ball were rising in throat with sensation of constriction indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Inflammation and induration of tonsils, exceedingly painful abscesses in tonsils.
Stomach and abdomen
Everything eaten turns sour, cuttings and burning pain in stomach, shootings from pit of stomach into back.
Pains in the abdomen, tearing, like colic, doubling the patient up is relieved by Plumbum Metallicum.
Affections of spleen. Very violent pains in abdomen, with retraction of navel indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Burning sensation or coldness in abdomen.
Stool and Anus
Constipation; cannot strain at stool, he cannot expel the feces indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Most obstinate constipation, stools blackish, Continued and ineffectual want to evacuate feces.
The constipation, colic, and abdominal symptoms are commonly associated in Plumbum met.
Urinary complaints
Plumbum has both retention and suppression of urine, cannot expel the urine,
Kidney affections with albumen and sugar in the urine indicates Plumbum metallicum.
Retention of urine from lack of sensation that the bladder is full.
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