Dr Reckeweg Naja tripudans(Dilution)
The medicine is made from the fresh virus obtained from the cobra snake.
Common Name: Naja Trip, Naja, Cobra di Capell
Causes & Symptoms for Dr Reckeweg Naja tripudans
Its special centre of action is upon the pneumogastric nerve, for pains after operative procedures. It also has a special influence on the spine.
Difficulty in swallowing and breathing, vomiting and foaming round the mouth, the neurotic symptoms are the one that calls for Naja tripudans
The medicine has an action over the valves of the heart.
An intense burning pain at the spot bitten is the first symptom; relieved with help of Naja tripudans.
Complaints that have a tendancy to settle in the heart indicates Naja tripudans.
Constrictions felt in the throat, chest mainly on the right side.
Mind and Head:
It is indicated in patients who have a brooding tendancy, who keep thinking of the past things and are always depressed with Blurred speech.
Dull Pain in the head associated with heart complaints.
Neuralgic pain in head, throbbing pain; drawing to back of head ; from overeating, mental or physical exertion is checked with Naja tripudans.
Eyes, Nose, ear and Throat:
For complaints of ear pain with Black discharge that smell bad.
Sore throats with difficulty in drinking water is and it is easier to eat rather than drink.
Hacking cough associated with the heart problem is checked with the remedy. Dryness of the throat
Sensation of Tightness and constriction felt in the heart, difficulty of breathing, choking sensation is relieved with help of Naja tripudans.
Valvular complaints mark an indication for this remedy.
Female complaints:
Heart Pains came on a week before menses, increased till the flow appeared, and then disappeared till next month, Naja entirely relieve
Crampy pains in left ovary; pains in temple and ovarian regions Is indication of the remedy.
Pains that suddenly become severe; and the flow stops when the pain was at its worst and is returned next day when pain is absent. This is commonly seen in this remedy.
Sudden weakness when walking, with Shooting pains down the leg and tingling in feet
Swelling: of hand and thumb is decreased with help of Naja.
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