Dr. Reckeweg Kali Muriaticum(Dilution)
Common Name: Chloride of Potassium. Potassic Chloride. Kali-Cl
Other name: Kali chloratum
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Kali Muriaticum
Burns, Blows, cuts, sprains, disturbances in the functioning of body points to kali mur indications.
It helps in thinning of blood and easy circulation of blood.
Kali Mur works wonders in Acne, erythema, and eczema, with vesicles containing thick, white contents.
Whiteness of all the secretions, discharges, coatings indicates kali muriaticum
Mind and head
Nervousness, anxiety in the evening and lack of mental clarity, confusion state is helped by Kali Mur.
Headache with vomiting, hawking up of white milk-like mucus.
Dandruff, copious, white, Stitching pain in head; worse stooping.
Eyes, Ear, Nose
Discharge of white mucus from the eyes is relieved with help of kali Mur.
Chronic catarrhal condition of middle ear, Closed Eustachian tubes, Snapping and noises in the ear
Earache which occurs due to exposure or atmospheric pressure change, adult travelers ear discomfort.
Stuffy cold in head, Kali Mur is ideal for relief of colds, sore throats and runny noses that are accompanied by white discharges.
Mouth and Throat
Mouthe ulcers with white discharges, chapped lips from cold.
Painful, swollen face; lips, glands of jaw, Pain in the teeth; stitching is relieved with kali mur.
Tonsils excessively swollen; stringy, tough mucus; swallowing excessively painful.
Cough affecting the eyes, sensation of eyes protruding out while coughing.
Stomach and Abdomen
Eructations, after eating, The appetite is diminished or entirely lost or it is increased, even ravenous, after eating in kali Mur patients.
Inflammation of the stomach, nausea after fats and rich food, pain in the stomach; aching; burning; cutting; pressing with emptiness is relieved with Kali Mur.
Enlarged spleen, Flatulence in day time; afternoon; night, Cutting in abdomen; in umbilical region, Sore bruised abdomen indicates this medicine.
Stool and Anus
Constipation; stool difficult, The stool is excoriating, bloody mucus, white mucus.
Pain in rectum and anus; during and after stool, Burning during and after stool, Urging with normal stool constant indicates kali Mur.
Thread worms causing itching at the anus region is relieved with kali mur.
Urinary Complaints
Urging to urinate at night is constant with Pain in the kidneys.
Itching of the urethra with Burning and cutting during urination is relieved with help of Kali Mur.
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