Dr. Reckeweg Kali Carbonicum (Dilution)
Common Name: Salt of Wormwood. K2 CO3. Potassium carbonate
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Kali Carbonicum
More specific relation to the solid tissues than to the fluids of the body, to the blood corpuscles rather than to the blood plasma.
The fibrous tissues are particularly affected, the ligament of joints, of the uterus, of the back. Cannot bear to be touched.
The climacteric flushings are associated with disturbance of the heart. Weary and sleepy during and after eating.
Kali carbonicum is good as a knee remedy. Relaxation of tissues is a great note of this remedy.
Sweat, backache, and weakness,
Mind and Head
Indifferent, with bodily exhaustion, motion causes headache with vertigo. Vexed and irritated mood.
Worse by sudden or unguarded motion, heat better most symptoms, cold air and open air worse indicates Kali carb.
Warm applications causes pain to move to other places. Violent headache across the eyes.
Eyes, ear, nose
Bag-like swellings over the eyes, between the eyebrows and the upper lids.
Redness and inflammation of eyes, burning, and shootings in eyes indicates Kali carb.
Itching and tickling in ears, dullness of hearing. Singing, Tingling, and buzzing in ear.
Great tendency to take cold, Coryza and stoppage of nose. Scurfy nostrils.
Mouth and Throat
Blotchy eruptions of the face which were worse in a wind or cold air. Flushes of face indicates Kali carb.
Drowsiness, toothache only when eating. Toothache alternating with tearing, pimples on eyebrows.
Cramp-like sensation in the lips. Bad smell from teeth. Swelling of tongue, covered with small painful vesicles.
Sore throat, with lancinating pain on swallowing.
Stomach and abdomen
Digestion is very much disordered, flatulence, distension, constipation. Ulcers bleeding at night.
Burning sensation and burning pains, the pains in the side were worse evening, especially on lying on right.
After taking hot food, pinchings and uneasiness in abdomen. Nausea from mental emotions indicates Kali carb.
Constant feeling as if stomach were full of water, wobbling on motion. Colic renewed after each meal.
Contractive cramps in stomach, renewed by all kinds of food and drink. Dropsical swelling of abdomen.
Stool and Anus
Discharge of tenia and lumbrici, itching in anus is relieved with Kali carbonicum.
Protrusion of hemorrhoids during micturition indicates Kali carb.
Sensation of red-hot poker being thrust up rectum, temporarily better by sitting in cold water.
Urinary complaints
Frequent emission of urine, day and night. Frequent want to make water, and scanty emission of urine
Burning sensation in urethra, especially on making water.
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