Helonias dioica(Mother Tincture)
Tincture of the root is used to make the medicine.
Common Name: Unicorn-root, Pursh, H Lutea, Devil’s Bit, Blazing Star.
Causes & Symptoms for Helonias dioica
Helonias is suitable to women who are worn out with hard work, mental or physical, anaemia, great general weakness.
Heaviness in pelvic region, debilitated condition of women, with many and various complaints or symptoms in the region of the uterus is the action of Helonias.
Mind and Head
Helonias personality finds fault with every one and cannot bear contradiction, restless, wants to move around, better when occupied.
Extreme depression and Irritability, Great lowness of spirits is commonly seen in this remedy indication.
Pain in head is worse by stooping, and attended by increased vertigo.
Salivation of pregnant women and teething children indicates Helonias.
Mouth gets sore, stomatitis is releived with Helonias.
Stomach and abdomen
Burning in stomach, burning and aching in spine, eructations indicates Helonias.
Colic-like pains in hypogastric region, is releived with Helonias.
Stool and Anus
Lumps of feces in the evening.
Urinary complaints
Burning sensation at the kidneys is relieved with Helonias.
Burning scalding pains when urinating, desire is frequent and constant urging indicates Helonias.
Helonias resolves the complaints of the albumen present in the urine, sometimes in large quantities.
Urine profuse, clear, light-colored, albuminous, with raised sugar is relieved with Helonias.
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