Dr. Reckeweg Calendula Officinalis(Mother tincture)
Common Name: Marigold
Tincture is made of leaves and flowers.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Calendula Officinalis (Mother tincture)
It is useful in Injuries that are lacerated and causinf pains that are excessive and outof proportion to the Injury.
Pains are violent and usually injuries that occur after blow, fall, operations, burns with formation of abscess.
Calendula helps in granulation process and early healing with a tendancy to formation of flesh, hence being useful in Keloids, and hearing problem that arise due to formation of flesh during the healing process.
History of suppressed skin eruptions, that cause complaints are well relieved with help of Calendula.
Great sensitivity to open air, Chill in the hands and feet all morning and sweating of feet in the evening.
Easily frightened and easily tired by emotional trauma.
Generalised weakness with mental, physical and emotional exhaustion.
Fear with a feeling as if something bad is about to happen that makes the patient restless.
Cannot tolerate criticism and get offended as they feel insulted.
Irritability in children, which is accompanied with screaming and twitching of muscles.
Lacerated scalp wounds, headache mainly pains that are located in the occiput.
Pain in the right side of neck region, glands that are painful.
Flushes of heat on the head with pressure on forehead when lying down.
Eyes, Ear and Nose:
Redness and inflammation of white of the eyes, with dryness and pain on the margins of the lids.
Dischage from eyes with biting pains in the eyes.
Calendula is useful after eye operations which relieves the complaints of pain and helps in avoiding the formation of pus and promotes healing.
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