Uses of Dr. Reckeweg Borax
Shooting pains in teeth which are carious, with shootings in the ears, and headache.
Ulcers in the gums which bleed easily, with inflammatory swelling of the cheeks, gastric ulcers.
Eczema of toes and fingers with falling of nails, is relieved with Borax.
Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates; nostrils crusty, tip of nose shining red, swelling of tip of nose with dry scabs.
In young women hair becomes frizzy and tangled, (plica polonica) splits; ingrowing eyelashes, trichiasis (eyelashes turn in or introversion of eyelashes). Useful in hair problem like dandruff.
Ideal for people who start their complaints like getting scared after hearing voices, noise of any type, sensitive to slightest noise.
Fear while going downstairs, Child cries as soon as he senses the downward motion.
Common symptoms of Borax
Discharges are thick, hot and biting.
Parts usually red in color turn white. The buccal membrane is highly reddened, the palate looks wrinkled, the gums are shrunken, the tongue is often dry, with red blisters on it, mouth hot and dry is markedly seen for Borax prescription.
Eruption of pimples on face, chin, nose, lips with pain in lower lips. Small vesicles aroung the mouth and on forehead.
Muco cutaneous membranes are affected (eyes, ears, lips, mouth), Otorrhoea ( Pus or mucus discharged from middle ear), Sticky eyes.
Great desire to pass urine, with constant soreness of urethra , Urine is hot. Children scream while passing urine.
Dry cough with heaviness in the chest is indication for Borax.
Car sickness ( motion sickness in car), motion that causes many complaints.
There is profuse salivation in the mouth yet feels dryness on the tongue.
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