Dr. Reckeweg Borax (Mother Tincture)
Common name: Borate of Sodium
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Borax
Borax has marked action in treating aphthae mouth sores and ulcers. Aphthae in the mouth, on tongue and inside of the cheeks. The mucus membrane of the mouth is much reddened, easily bleeding during eating or when touched prevents child from nursing, with hot mouth.
Borax acts on gastro-intestinal irritation leading to Salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, collapse, albumin in urea. Delirium, hematuria (blood in urine) and skin eruptions have been involved in overdosing in borax veneta. There is dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints in borax veneta.
It is of much value in convulsions and also in mouth ulceration of mucous membranes.
It is useful in membranous dysmenorrhoea when there is violent, labour like pain before and during the flow, as if the uterus would expel itself through the vagina.
Menstruation is too early, too profuse and very much hot. Same violent pain keeps on until the expulsion of the membrane.
Borax is also indicated in leucorrhoea which is profuse, albuminous, starchy, very much hot as if warm water were flowing. Leucorrhoea is like white as mucus as like the white of an egg. Very much acrid leucorrhoea.
– Fear with extreme anxiety from DOWNWARD MOTION (elevators, stairs, airplanes ); also in the babies put to bed or being rocked, seasick
-Anxious expression of face during the downward motions, starts and throws up hands on laying patient down, as if afraid of falling.
-Excessively nervous; easily frightened. Sensitive to sudden noises. Violent fright from report of a gun, even at a distance. Fear of thunder
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