Dr. Reckeweg Aralia Racemosa (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: American Spikenard
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Aralia Racemosa (Mother Tincture)
Aralia was used by the old herbalists and by eclectics as a remedy in phthisis and coughs, and also for leucorrhoea and other complaints of women whose secretions are acrid or suppressed.
Loud wheezing respiration coming on immediately on lying down at midnight, inspiration is loud and more difficult than expiration indicates Aralia Racemosa.
The right lung is more affected than the left.
On turning to left sided, left side seemed affected, and right side became quite free.
Profuse perspiration while asleep.
Fear of lung disease, cannot be shaken off.
Smarting soreness of posterior nares, caused by passage of acrid mucus, with peculiar soreness of alae nasi as if fissured.
Faintly defined nausea in throat and stomach, and sensation in intestines as if diarrhoea would set in.
Stool and Rectum
Feeling as if about to have loose stool, voided with great difficulty only a teaspoonful of soft yellow feces.
Mucous membrane of rectum came down like a tumour.
After stool, while still sitting, an aching pain in rectum, extending upwards on the left side.
Female Sexual Organs
Acrid, offensive leucorrhoea, with bearing-down pains indicates Aralia Racemosa.
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