Dr. Reckeweg Apocynum Cannabinum
Common Name: Indian (American) Hemp.
Provings were made with fresh plant-tinctures, or fresh or powdered root-tinctures or infusions.
Watery infusions (with just enough spirit to keep them from fermenting) are said to be more efficacious than tinctures.
The whole fresh plant, root included, should be used for making the tincture or infusion.
Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Apocynum Cannabinum
Apocynum Cannabinum produce intense gastric disturbance, extreme depression of the heart’s action, and control dropsical effusions and produce diuresis.
Apocynum Cannabinum depresses the heart, kidneys, and intestines, relaxing sphincters.
Apocynum Cannabinum causes and intense sinking sensation, drowsiness and a bewildered state of mind, Dizziness.
The dropsies of Apocynum are general dropsies with or without organic disease, swelling of every part of the body, cardiac dropsies.
The excretions are diminished, especially urine and sweat.
Apocynum Cannabinum restore the menses when given in cases of dropsy.
Diarrhoea is worse immediately after eating. Food or water is immediately ejected, though hungry.
There is worse on waking in the morning. Many of the symptoms are worse after sleep.
Bewildered, nervous, low-spirited.
Dizzy, Very marked piercing pain in right temple followed by vertigo.
Vertigo suddenly appearing and disappearing.
Eyes inflamed, worse morning and evening. Sensation as if sand in them.
Violent coryza, Nose and throat filled with thick yellow mucus on waking in morning.
Peculiar dryness of mucous membranes of nose with sensation of stiffness, followed by secretion of thick yellow mucus, preceded in some cases by a thin, irritating discharge.
Face pale, covered with cold sweat (diarrhoea), Dry lips
Dry tongue, immoderate thirst. Tongue coated, Constant spitting, increase of mucus and saliva.
Thirst on waking. Great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, and is immediately thrown off (Ars.).
Cannot tolerate food or drink, which is immediately ejected.
Distension after a moderate meal. Feels hungry, but when she eats it settles in epigastrium, turns sour, and hurts.
Stool and Anus
Gentle diarrhoea in the morning, no pain. Diarrhoea explosive, involuntary immediately after eating.
Stool copious, yellow or brownish, like mush, sometimes containing undigested food.
Extreme prostration after stool.
Constipation though feces not hard.
Piles with feeling as of a wedge being hammered into anus. Bearing-down pain in anus.
Evacuations very scanty, Watery stools.
Symptoms always immediately after eating.
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