About Dr. Reckeweg Agaricus Muscarius
Common name: Fly Agaric. Bug Agaric
Agaricus acts as an intoxicant to the brain, various forms of neuralgia and spasmodic affections.
Jerking, twitching, trembling, and itching are strong indications, twitching ceases during sleep.
Agaricus corresponds to various forms of cerebral diseases, General paralysis, Uncertainity in walking, stumbles over everything on the way.
Sensation as if pierced by needles of ice. Sensitive to pressure and cold air. Violent bearing-down pains. Symptoms appear diagonally as right arm and left leg. Pains are accompanied by sensation of cold, numbness and tingling.
Agaricus muscarius is a well suited remedy for the treatment of confusion of mind and vertigo. Mental nervousness with lot of uncontrolled talking but does not answer to questions. Too much laughing.
Confusion with no inclination to do anything. It is helpful delirium and headache due to ill effect of alcohol. Vertigo with a feeling of falling backwards. Agaricus Muscarius also helps in skin affections like chilblains and frost bite with itching, redness and burning intolerably
Dependant, weak-willed. Avoid responsibility. Seek sheltered, comfortable life.
Anxiety about health. Fear of Cancer. They drive you crazy with it.
Tell everybody about their (supposed) complaints.
Obsessed with sufferings of people around them.
Desire to help people with fatal conditions. Superstitious way of doing good deeds.
Crazy fearlessness. ‘Stupid’, “”Dare-devil””, runs about in most dangerous places.
Hysteria after sex. Fainting.
Late learning to walk, to talk.
Slow comprehension. Irresolution, uncertainty.
Dependent. Chorea, convulsions after punishment.
Restless. Fidget. Wild at playing. Bad concentration.
Chorea (jerky involuntary movements), twitchings, spasms, convulsions.
Agg. Coition, excitement, fright, death of loved one, suppressed eruptions or discharge.
Aura: sensation of cold air going along the body or spine.
Chorea in children. Spasms after punishment.
Neurological disorders. Paralysis.
Child rolling the head, biting himself (meningitis).
Agg. Cold.
Agg. Before thunderstorm.
Agg. morning, amel. evening.
Agg. After coition.
Amel. After sleep.
Sensation of hot or icy cold needles sticking in.
Complaints diagonally: right arm, left leg.
Alcoholism: trembling, itching.
Food and drinks
Desire: Salt, salthy things, eggs.
Aversion: Bread, meat, wine.
Agg. Cold food and drinks.
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