Regulates Blood Pressure, Heart rate, Relieves Stress, Palpitation
Bioforce Blooume 43 Hyperosan
Indication of Bioforce Blooume 43 Hyperosan
Complaints related to high blood pressure, headache and heaviness in Body.
Composition of Bioforce Blooume 43 Hyperosan
Allium Sativum: Has vaso-dilatory properties. Used in case of mild high blood pressure.
Aurum Mur Nat 3x: Violent pressure in the region of the heart. For mild high blood pressure due to disturbed function of nervous mechanism.
Belladonna : Relieves throbbing headaches due to mild high blood pressure.
Crataegus Oxyacantha 0: For mild high blood pressure associated with giddiness, low pulse and air hunger.Helps lowering blood-pressure.
Kali Phosphoricum 8x: Excitement, overwork and worry. Weakness after over exertion with associated headache. Used in the cases of mild blood pressure with mental depression.
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