For Enlarged Tonsillitis, Pain & Redness Throat, Lowers Temperature
Bioforce Blooume 37 Tonsisan Tablets
Tonsils play a significant role in maintaining the body’s immune system.
Indication of Bioforce Blooume 37 Tonsisan Tablets
Tonsilllitis, sore throat, pharyngitis.
Tendancy to catch cold and tonsillitis repeatedly
Composition of Bioforce Blooume 37 Tonsisan Tablets
Baryta Carbonica 12x: Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Tonsils inflamed, with swollen veins. Checks pus in tonsils.
Belladonna 6x: Tonsils enlarged; throat feels constricted; difficult deglutition; worse, liquids. Relieves inflammation of throat.
Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x: Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Used in early stages of inflammation.
Kali Muriaticum 6x: Greyish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils. Used in cases of follicular tonsils.
Mercurius lodatus ruber 6x: Inflammation and pain in the tonsils, worse right tonsil. Relieves cough associated with tonsillitis.
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