Causes & Symptoms for Bio India Tuberculinum bovinum
One of our main remedies for bed wetting in children, ringworms is in indication.
Dry hacking cough before the evening chill.
For children, especially those with weak constitutions who suffer from frequent infections and allergies.
Children lag behind in their developmental milestones.
Children are very restless and hyperactive, even in their sleep.
To help children with developmental and behavioural disorders.
Periodicity, then, is a strong feature of this remedy, and sensitive to weather changes.
Mind and Head
Irritable and intentionally malicious, hopelessness in many complaints. Aversion to mental work. Anxiety evening, until midnight.
Constant desire to change, and travel, and go somewhere
Pain in the head, as if the head had a tight hoop of iron around it is relieved with Tuberculinum bovinum.
Sore bruised condition of the eyeballs, sensitive to touch, and on turning the eye sideways
Male complaints
Weakness and hanging down of the genitals. Relaxed scrotum.
Female complaints
Menses too early, too profuse, long lasting
Jerking of the muscles on going to sleep, a strong feature of this remedy is that its pains and aches are better by motion.
Coldness of left foot and leg, evening in bed. Stiffness of lower limbs, evening. Physical exertion aggravates.
Pains in bones of lower limbs. Stiffness on beginning to move. Complaints worse standing; must move.
Always tired. They take on sicknesses easily.
Sore bruised feeling all over the body. Aching of the bones.
Stitching, pinching, cramping, wandering; and always worse from cold, and from cold damp weather.
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