Indications of Complex Rheumatic Drops-45 (Bio-India’s Rheumatic Drops-45)
Chronic and sub acute rheumatism, rheumatism of joints and muscles, gout, neuralgia
Mode of Action of Ingredients in Complex Rheumatic Drops-45 (Bio-India’s Rheumatic Drops-45)
Apocynum Androsaemifolium: The rheumatic symptoms of this remedy promise most effective results.
Pain in all joints, pain in toes and soles. Swelling of hands and feet. Profuse sweat,with much heat in soles. Tingling pain in toes. Cramps in soles.
Arsenicum album: Fear, restlessness, frost, aggravated at night, periodicity, weakness, thirst and burning pain, apolychrest with ecto-, meso- and endrothermal effect
Dulcamara: Relieves joint pains, back pains, colic, sensitivity to dampness.
Phytolacca decandra: Affinity for all organic organs and glands, lymphatic secondary diseases, inflammation of nose, tonsillitis, rheumatism
Rhus tox (rheuma): Restlessness and daze, after getting wet and damp, improved from movement, improved by warmth, aggravated at night, improved by warmth and perspiring
Spirea ulmaria: Tinnitus, vertigo, perspiration, rheumatic affections.
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