Indications of Complex Cardiac Drops -26 (Bio-India’s Cardiac Drops-26)
For complaints of Cardiac disorders of nervous origin, cardiac dysarrhythmias, senile heart, coronary insufficiency, heart tonic.
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Complex Cardiac Drops-26 (Bio-India’s Cardiac Drops-26)
Ammi visnaga: Ammi visnaga may vasodilate the coronary arteries, which improves the blood supply to the myocaridium, and as a result, can be used in mild forms of chest pain.
Cactus grandiflorus: Cactus grandiflorus acts as a stimulating tonic, cardiac restorative and diuretic.
Crataegus: Crataegus is used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chest pain, and irregular heartbeat. It is also used in both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, “hardening of the arteries” and high cholesterol.
Leonurus cardiac: It is a cardiac tonic for cardiac autonomic imbalance (sedative effect similar to Valeriana spp.); palpitations with anxiety, improper coronary perfusion (mitigates spasm of coronary artery).
Passiflora incarnata: It has a quieting effect on the nervous system. Insomnia, produces normal sleep.
Strophanthus Hispidus: It is an effective remedy for congestive heart failure, chest pains , hypertension, arteriosclerosis.
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