Indications of Complex Drops for Arthritis-30 (Bio-India’s Drops for Arthritis-30)
For complaints of Joint pains, of the Knee and hip-joint, Highly effective in Multiple joint pains with stiffness, Spondylitis, Gout and Painful Musculoskeletal conditions.
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Complex Drops for Arthritis-30 (Bio-India’s Drops for Arthritis-30)
Apocynum andro: Stiff knees, hard aching in both knees, relieves inflammation and pain of all joints.
Aranea diadema: Burning nerve pain affects the chest, chin, gums and pain of all joints.
Arnica montana: Arnica is used for bruises, sprains, muscle soreness, and muscle spasms often associated with sports activity. Arnica is also used in muscular aches, joint pain, and arthritis
Calcara carb: Stiffness and difficulty in movement of neck, joints, back when walking.
Cimicifuga racemosa: Aching in limbs and muscular soreness, relieves muscular pain
Euphrasia officinale: Help reduce inflammation of the affected joints.
Hedera helix: Relieves swelling and stiffness of joints.
Kali carb: Knee complaints, joint pain. cramps
Phytolacca decandra: Stiff joints, swollen gland, sciatica.
Symphytum officinale: Enhance the healing process
Viscum album: Relieves in case of sciatica.
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