Indications of Complex Antitussive Drops-2 (Bio-India’s Antitussive Drops-2)
For treatment of acute inflammation of the airways, bronchitis, cough, including spasmodic wheezing cough.
Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Complex Antitussive Drops-2 (Bio-India’s Antitussive Drops-2)
Althaea: The mucilage from Althaea has a soothing effect on the mucus membranes of the throat.
Eucalyptus: The preparation has an expectorant effect due to Eucalyptus. A powerful antiseptic effect is provided by the l and eucalyptol (1,8-cineol), both of which are excreted via the lungs.
Grindelia Robusta: An efficacious remedy for wheezing and oppression in bronchitic patients
Primula Veris: A reflexively expectorant effect through the gastric mucosa due to Primula veris.
Thymus: The preparation has an expectorant effect due to Thymus.
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