Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup
It Might help you regain your strength and vitality in bed to rekindle your relationship.
Indications of Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup
It might work as a perfect restorative health tonic for males.
Might fight disorders like premature or delayed ejaculation, Lack of Vitality.
It can restore lost energy and vitality.
Action of Ingredients in Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Shakthi Nervine Tonicum Syrup
Agnus Castus 2x: For vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. No erections. Impotence. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone, scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge.
Damiana 1x: Used in sexual neurasthenia, weakness from nervous prostration. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge.
Withania somnifera Q: It helps in lowering the debility and weakness associated with lack of vitality. It relieves the stress and improves the immunity and energy.
Sabal serr: Sabal Serrulata has fattening properties due to the presence of olein in the berries used which helps to increase weight. It increases fat, flesh and strength.
Onosmodium: Sexual irritation, accompanied by severe erections indicates Onosmodium.
Calc sulph: Great weakness all over the body is relieved by Calcarea Sulphurica.
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