Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Nervin B Tablet
A nerve and brain tonic useful in lack of concentration and weak memory.
Indications of Bangalore Bio-Plasgens Nervin B Tablet
Lack of concentration
Poor memory
Fatigue and
Mood disturbances.
Action of ingredients in Bio-Plasgens Nervin B Tablet
Ferr Phos 12x: Excellent remedy for ailments associated with advancing years, nervous exhaustion from overstudies. For first stage of diseases that are associated with weakness, anxiety, sadness.
Calc Phos 12x: Helps in Protein deificiencies. Disturbed mental state, Constant sadness, dullness is relieved
Kali Phos 12x: Helps to restore the nervous system after overwork, Kali phos is believed to be a nerve nutrient.Weakness of muscles after over work, mental exertion with body pains. Anxiety and restlessness during work. Emotionally down.
Mag Phos 12x: It helps in Stress, Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Muscle spasms, migraine headaches
Nat Phos 12x: Hyperacidity, bile regulation which helps to keep the digestion good and gives energy.Relieves sleeplessness.
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