Bakson Viburnum opulus(Mother Tincture)
The tincture is prepared from the fresh bark.
Common Name: High Cranberry Bush. Cramp Bark. Water Elder.
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Viburnum opulus
Viburnum opulus relieves the painful spasmodic diseases, useful especially in painful cramps and colicky complaints.
Retired early, very restless sleep, felt sick all over, when asleep, Desire to sleep between severe pains from exhaustion.
Viburnum opulus is useful in female complaints associated with urinary complaints, in frequent micturition,
Pains causes perspiration, occasional shooting over ovaries, Pain in ovarian region.
For swelling of epididymis and testicle.
Mind and Head
Inability to study, confusion, and inability to concentrate thoughts indicates Viburnum opulus.
Vertigo; inclines to turn to left as if would fall forward on closing eyes is relieved with this remedy..
Dull, confusing frontal headache, extending to temporal regions, throbbing pain in forehead, extending to eyeballs, worse by mental exertion
Severe pain in left parietal region is relieved with Viburnum opulus.
Dull supra orbital and frontal headache, with profuse flow of watery clear urine.
Eyes, ear, nose
Sore feeling in eyeballs, on closing lids which are swollen. Heaviness of eyes,over eyes and in balls is resolved with Viburnum opulus.
External ear sore as if bruised and sneezing with watery coryza.
Mouth and Throat
Viburnum opulus is useful in dryness of tongue, of mouth with soreness of teeth felt on pressure.
Tickling in right side of pharynx, causing cough.
Stomach and abdomen
Cramp-like pain in stomach and abdomen, doubling him up, sensitiveness of stomach region indicates Viburnum opulus.
No desire to eat, stomach feels full , dyspepsia, habitual with flatus, nausea and distension, general catarrhal tendency.
Soreness of abdomen, throbbing in left hypochondrium when lying on left side.
Sudden cramping pain, as before menstruation, worse at night is relieved with Viburnum opulus.
Stool and Anus
Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. large stool, difficult, with urging.
Frequent desire for stool with aching hemorrhoids is relieved with Viburnum opulus.
Urinary complaints
Viburnum opulus is useful in frequent micturition, every hour in afternoon and evening.
Sensation after micturition as if urine continued to flow, cannot hold water on coughing or walking.
Frequent, profuse urination, spurting of urine when coughing indicates Viburnum opulus.
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