Bakson Taraxacum Officinale
Tincture of whole plant just before the perfection of the flower.
Common Name: Leontodum taraxacum, dandelion,
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Taraxacum Officinale
Pains in both splenic and liver regions indicates Taraxacum.
Debility, loss of appetite, profuse night-sweats, especially when recovering.
Burning in throat is better by drinking.
It produce a free flow of bile from the bowels. Gastric headaches.
Mind and Head
Sensation of great heat on top of head, Gastric and bilious attacks, especially gastric headaches, the headaches are generally pressive.
Pressure and heaviness in lower part of occiput, Violent headache, felt only when standing or walking.
Eyes, ear
Inflammation of eyes with lachrymation , shootings in ears.
Mouth and Throat
Loss of appetite. Bitter taste and eructations. Salivation.
Burning in throat is better by drinking. Pressive pains in teeth indicates Taraxacum.
Sensation of heat and redness in face. Tongue dry, loaded with a brown coating on waking in morning.
Sore throat, with pressive pain, as from internal swelling indicates Taraxacum.
Stomach and abdomen
For gastric headaches, bilious attacks, bitter taste in the mouth, chilliness after eating or drinking
Pain and soreness in the region of the liver and bilious diarrhoea. liver obstruction. Great chilliness after drinking, or eating.
Jaundice with enlargement and induration of liver. Sharp stitches in left side indicates Taraxacum.
Pressive shootings in abdomen, and sides of abdomen indicates Taraxacum.
Stool and Anus
Voluptuous itching in perineum indicates Taraxacum.
Urinary complaints
Painless urging to urinate, frequent want to urinate with with profuse emission.
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