Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Stannum Iodatum
It is chiefly of value in chronic chest diseases characterized by plastic tissue changes.
For cough which is loud, hollow, ending with expectoration.
Violent, dry cough, Hoarseness and roughness in larynx with tickling, which excites a cough is well relieved by Stannum.
Cough caused by talking, singing, laughing, lying on the side and from drinking anything warm.
Colic better from pressure, lying on the stomach
Mouth and Throat
Persistent inclination to cough, excited by tickling dry spot in the throat.
Cough in fatiguing paroxysms; epigastric region painful as if beaten.
Talking makes him feel weak, especially in the chest.
Dryness of throat is relieved with Stannum Iodatum.
Accumulation of great quantities of mucus in the trachea, easily thrown off by coughing
Female complaints
Menses too early and too profuse; bearing down in the uterine region is relieved with Stannum Iodatum.
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