For Pain Stomach, Teething children, Flatulence, Abdominal pains
Bakson Biochemic Combination 3
BC 3- Colic
Abdominal colic is a term used to describe severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen caused by distention, obstruction or inflammation.
While colic in adults can be associated with serious conditions, like kidney stones, colic in babies generally clears up and may not have a clear cause.
The pain may last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours or in some cases, several days. The level of pain varies as well. Some people may feel like they’re having muscle cramps, while others have so much pain that their daily life is interrupted.
Other symptoms that often come along with colic in adults are vomiting, anorexia, loose stools and constipation.
Biochemic combination tablet 3 is useful for colic in both children and adults.
Indication of Bakson Biochemic Combination 3
Intestinal pain relieved by pressure.
Flatulent colic, colic due to inflammatory conditions and colic in children during teething or due to flatulence or constipation is relieved with help of Bakson Biochemic Combination 3
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