For Profuse sweating, Tired, Exhaustion, during menopause, weakness
Dr Bakshi Baksons B43 Hyper Hydrosis Drops
Hyper Hydrosis is excess sweating due to excess of that required for the normal Thermo regulation. Most commonly affected sites include palms, soles, axillae. There are many reasons for sweating which can be due to emotional or physical stress or any other systemic disease cause
Indication of B43 Hyper Hydrosis Drops
Profuse perspiration/ sweating.
ther Indications of B43 Hyper Hydrosis Drops
Perspiration during climacteric period. Sweating during rise of body temperature / pyrexia.
Action of Ingredients used in B43 Hyper Hydrosis Drops
Acidum nit. 12x: Sweating of palms, hands, cold, blue nails. Offensive sweat in axillae at night. Sweating causes soreness of toes.
Belladonna 12x: Nocturnal sweat of genitals
Jborandi 4x: Is homeopathic to abnormal sweats, and has achieved great success in night-sweats of consumptives. Profuse perspiration.
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