Improves Anemia, Blood Circulation, Weakness, Hemoglobin level
Dr Bakshi Baksons B42 Hematinic Drops
Blood plays a major role in the body normal functioning. It constitutes major part and helps in oxygenation of cells. Hematinics help to increase the formation of new blood cells. It helps to increase the hemoglobin content of the blood.
Indication of B42 Hematinic Drops
Production of Blood cells.
Other Indications of B42 Hematinic Drops
Anemia, Weakness.
Action of Ingredients used in B42 drops
Carduus mar. 30x: The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, has specific relation to the vascular system.
Arsenicum Iod 6x: Profound prostration, rapid, irritable pulse, recurring fever and sweats, emaciation; tendency to diarrhœa.
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