Bakson Ammonium Muriaticum (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Sal ammoniac, Ammonium chloride
Causes & Symptoms for Bakson Ammonium Muriaticum (Mother Tincture)
Ammonium Muriaticum relieves Coryza, acrid, watery, scalding hot, with cold feeling between shoulders.
Cough and asthmatic symptom worse evening and at night and worse in open air.
Ulcerative pains in heels (ulcers from friction All-c.) relieved by Ammonium Muriaticum
Most symptoms are worse at night and from two to four a.m.U
lceration in corners of mouth. Sensation in stomach as if fasting, which nevertheless feels full, worse after breakfast.
Stitches and burning in liver region, stitches in spleen worse sitting is relieved by Ammonium Muriaticum
In the fever chilliness predominates.
Menses too early and too copious (Am. c.), with pains in loins relieved by Ammonium Muriaticum
Vomiting, diarrhoea, and neuralgic pains in feet during period.
Great anguish, and melancholy state as from vexation or cares, with inclination to shed tears.
Full of grief, but can’t weep. Morose, apathetic humor, with repugnance to conversation.
Irritability and disposition to be angry. Antipathy to certain persons.
Dizziness and vertigo (flushed face and enlarged veins), which mostly disappear in the open air.
Itching in the scalp, which forces to scratch constantly.
The hair falls out, often with dandruff.
Burning in the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes, in the evening, in the twilight, or in the morning, with photophobia.
Yellow spots before the eyes on looking steadfastly at any object, while sewing.
Shooting in the ears from the inside outwards, especially in the open air. Drawing and piercing sensation in the ears.
Tingling and buzzing before the ears.
Swelling of the nose, and painful sensibility to the touch, with pain of ulceration and bloody crusts in the nostrils.
Sneezing, with shooting in the nape of the neck. Coryza, with stoppage of the nose (and tenderness of the nose) and loss of smell.
Eruption in the face. Ulcerations in the corners of the mouth, and in the upper lip.
Lips dry, wrinkled, chapped, and excoriated with burning heat, with blotches of the skin, peeling off, the face burns with an eruption which requires cold applications for relief.
Swelling of the sub-maxillary glands, with throbbing pain.
Acute sensation of tearing in the teeth. Swelling of the gums, with shooting pain.
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