For Sinusitis, Blocked Nose, Stuffed Nose, Headache
Bahola Sinaril Drops
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The inflammation could be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. The infection may also be the result of an allergic or autoimmune reaction – when the immune system attacks healthy cells.
Indications of Bahola Sinaril Drops
Weakness, mild fever, headache, pain behind the eyes and nasal discharge.
Swelling over the face, because of inflammed sinus.
For Sinus Aches and Catarrh
Recurrent sneezing and stuffed nose.
Action of ingredients in Bahola Sinaril Drops
Ars. Alb 12x: Nose feels stopped up. Sneezing without relief. Hay-fever and coryza; worse in open air; better indoors. Burning and bleeding. Tearing needle-like pains; burning pains on the face. Burning in eyes.
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