High blood pressure can be the result of a physical ailment, but in 95% of the cases there is no such cause. The most frequent cause of high blood pressure is of an emotional nature.
Stress is a cause of many diseases. People who have a tendency towards high blood pressure should avoid stress in all situations. Stress can be linked to strong performance pressure at work, or just the toll of a busy working life. Besides this, fears, anxieties, and being prone to perfectionism may cause stress. Stress has direct effects on your body. Among these are: a faster heartbeat, faster breathing and higher blood pressure. Bach flowers can help you to regain your calm and be more relaxed.
Fear or anxiety is in many cases the cause of higher blood pressure. If one is in fear there is a temporary increase of the blood pressure. Yet, if fears are tormenting you frequently, this constantly increased blood pressure can be dangerous. This is the case with chronic high blood pressure. Therefore, overcoming your fears is something your blood pressure benefits from. Bach flowers are a good remedy for controlling your fears.
Perfectionism and stress go hand in hand. You make high demands of yourself at work, at home, in sports… This causes a lot of worrying and stress. Bach flowers help you to limit this stress.
Some people are born worriers. They worry about every little thing in their life, even if those things are minor details or futilities. If this is recognisable, and you are someone who never stops thinking, then you should be cautious about developing high blood pressure. Longer periods of worrying may have a serious negative effect on your blood pressure. Often worrying will also cause sleeplessness which leads to exhaustion and irritability. Bach flowers help you to worry less.
Indication Of Bach Flower Mix 37 High Blood Pressure Drop
reduce stress
relieve irritability
keep tensions to a minimum
overcome fears
panic less
have a more peaceful life
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