When you are very sensitive you often have a lot of problems with fear. This is because you are highly sensitive to everything that is happening in your environment. Bach flowers mix will lessen these fears, by addressing oversensitivity. Because of this you are less sensitive to the influences that cause fears.
High emotional sensitivity
When you are highly sensitive, you experience positive and negative emotions much more intensely than other people. For example: you cry a lot faster when you get criticism, or you feel depressed. This can result in extreme crying or attacks of anger. The Bach flowers mix 22 helps to reduce this extreme sensitivity, which results in fewer problems with the extreme emotions.
Extreme sensitivity for external stimuli
Things that highly sensitive people experience more intensely than other people are external stimuli like: sirens, loud music, and bright light or strong smells. What is considered normal to others, is an obstacle or even painful to a highly sensitive person. With Bach flowers mix 22 you are more resistant to these external stimuli.
Reducing stress and tension
When you have a high sensitivity, you are more susceptible to stress and tension. Someone with high sensitivity will care more about other people’s problems. Because of this, the person gets stressed and can’t relax easily. Bach flowers mix 22 reduces stress and tension, which results in experiencing inner peace.
Dare to say ‘no’
When you are highly sensitive it is hard to say “no” to someone. You always want to help everyone and because of this you take on too much. Bach flowers mix helps you to say “no” and makes you think about yourself for a change. *
Indication Of Bach Flower Mix 22 High Sensitivity Drop
Be less anxious
Reduce emotional sensitivity
Become more resilient to external stimuli
Lose stress and tensions
Dare say “no”
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