Allens Alvine Syrup
About Allens Alvine Syrup
Allens Alvine Syrup is a restorative health tonic that aids in the proper functioning of thevital principle of the body. It is beneficial for regaining and retain youthful health and vigor. It is helpful in improving general debility and weakness from an exhausting disease.
Homeopathy tonics induce no side effects on the body and are safe to use in the long run. They are known to be effective against a variety of diseases and other physical and mental problems.
Ingredients of Allens Alvine Syrup
Alfalfa Q: Alfalfa helps in enhancing our immunity and detoxifying the body. It helps in keeping the heart healthy by regulating the blood pressure and reducing tension from blood vessels and arteries.
Avena sat Q: It strengthens the immune system and fights off diseases very effectively. It provides relief from fatigue and exhaustion and helps in restoring energy levels.
Withaniasomnifera Q: Withania somnifera also known as Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb with multiple health benefits. It can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function.
Damiana Q
Nux vom 30
Passiflora inc Q
Anacardium ori 6x
Acid phos 2x
Kali phos 3x
Ferrum phos 3x
Mag phos 3x
Calc. Phos 3x
Natrum mur 3x
Benefits of Allens Alvine Syrup
Helpful in reducing weakness and fatigue
Beneficial in constipation and loss of appetite
Helps in reversing the weight loss and induces sleep in people with the problem of sleeplessness
Aids in the improvement of proper functioning of the body
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