Benefits of Allen A86 Proteinuria Drops
Beneficial for pain in loins, scanty urine with albuminuria
Helpful in dull pain in the kidneys, scanty urine, and frequent micturition.
Palliative in dropsical conditions where urine is scanty and albuminuria
Helps in the treatment of dropsy, pale skin, waxen appearance, watery diarrhea, and great thirst
Useful in uraemic conditions.
An irritant action on the kidneys. scanty, dark, turbid urine
Helpful in the treatment of Albuminuria with inflammation of kidneys with piercing, burning pains in the lumbar region.
Dosage of Allen A86 Proteinuria Drops
Take 50 drops in half-cup of water, 4 times for 4 days.
After 4 days, take 30 drops, 3 times a day.
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