Adven Babyson Syrup is a well-balanced Children’s Tonic that helps to improve appetite and aids in the overall digestive system of the body. Promotes the absorption of iron and calcium.
Ingredients of Adven Babyson Syrup
Chamomilla Q
Chelidonium Maj Q
Ipecac Q
Alfalfa Q
Cina Q
Mag Phosphoricum 6x
Calc Phosphoricum 6X
Nat Phosphoricum 6x
Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x
Kali Phosphoricum 6x
Benefits of Adven Babyson Syrup
Useful in hypochondriacal pains associated with gall stones, Dyspepsia, Colic, Heaviness, Nausea, and Vomiting
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