For loss of appetite ,anaemia, indigestion ,weakness & fatigue
INDICATIONS of Adel Pekana Alfalfa Tonic
Alfalfa tonic is homoeopathic composition, which helps rapid development in growing children, faster recovery after illness, sharper memory, increase energy and turns away states of bad nourishment in consequence of having loss of appetite, weak digestion, nervous debility, sleeplessness and loss of weight.
INGREDIENTS of Adel Pekana Alfalfa Tonic
Acidum phosphoricum 2X, Alfalfa Ø, Avena sativa Ø, Calcium phosphoricum 6X, China Ø, Cinnamomum Ø, Ginseng Ø, Hydrastis can Ø, Magnesium phosphoricum 6X, Nux vomica 3X.
Acidum phosphoricum regulates all kinds of exhaustions after being over-strained. It balanced activities of the digestive organs. It is considered to be the chief remedy in spermatorrhoea and sexual neurasthenia.
Alfalfa is well known as a tonic. It regulates loss of appetite and a weak digestion together with nervous irritation. It acts on intestinal mucosa as a laxative and on the epithelia of the kidneys as a diuretic. It improves mental and physical vigour with gain in weight.
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