Ferrum Phos is made from a mineral compound which helps the body build strong blood cells. It is a popular cell salt that is homeopathic iron. Iron is the blood’s main oxygen carrier and a trace mineral needed to form hemoglobin‚ a type of protein that works to transport oxygen. Experts feel Ferrum Phos should always be considered as a supplement remedy to speed recovery. It gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries, and helps with a lack of blood corpuscles as in anemia ( low hemoglobin) and also as a first aid remedy for hemorrhages Ferrum phos goes right into the cells to help with oxygenation.
Uses of Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Phos
Ferrum Phos is used for the first stage of an acute illness with high body temperature.
Person suffers from fear of going into a crowd, or death, that some evil will come to him, of misfortune, of people.
Forgetful in nature, remedy for hysterical girls.
Remedy for inflammations (swellings) congestion, rapid pulse, fevers.
Optic disc and retinal affections are served very well by ferrum phosphoricum.
It helps lengthen the menstrual cycle if needed.
Ferrum phos cell salts do not cause constipation as many iron supplements do.
Common symptoms of Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Phos
Patients often bleed easily; they are more prone to nosebleeds or minor bleeding from the gums at the onset of an illness.
If they cough up mucus, it is likely to be streaked with blood.
After operations on throat and nose, ferrum phos is well indicated.
Blood rushes to the part affected (head/eye/throat/ chest) and causes feelings of heat and fullness.
After an injury with swelling, heat and throbbing but before there is bruising, Ferrum phos will relieve more promptly, because of its power to remove congestion.
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