For yellow Discharges, Breathlessness,Rash, Eczema, Ringworm, Hairfall
Bakson Kalium Sulphuricum
Kali Sulph (potassium sulphate) aids the transfer of oxygen and is important to our skin, mucus membranes and respiratory systems. Desquamation (PEELING) of cells of the epidermis and epithelium which have been loosened from their connection because they were not sufficiently provided with oxygen. It affects the access of oxygen and so facilitates the formation of new epithelium.
Uses of Bakson Kali Sulph
Breathlessness attacks which is more troubling in the evening time.
Kali sulph works wonders in later stages of inflammation. Yellow, mucous and serous discharges, profuse and intermittent high body tempertaure.
Sinusitis, Mouth breathing, snoring
Oxaluria (oxalate crystals in urine) kidney stones.
Eruptions about the eyes and on the lids.
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